lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Hand painted backdrop to NIFELHEIM band from Sweden, Size: 5 meters high by 7meters width / Telon pintado a NIFELHEIM de Suecia, Tamaña 5metros de alto por 7 metros de ancho...

Hand painted backdrop to MERCYLESS band from France / Telon pintado a MERCYLESS de Francia...

Hand painted backdrop to FUNERAL NATION from, Chicago, USA / Telon pintado a FUNERAL NATION de Chicago, USA...

Hand painted backdrop to TEMPLE OF DEATH FESTIVAL from Madrid, España / Telon pintado al TEMPLE OF DEATH FESTIVAL, de Madrid, España

Hand painted backdrop to PURGATORY from Germany / Telon pintado a PURGATORY de Alemania ...

Hand painted backdrop to WARHEAD from Croatia / Telon pintado a WARHEAD de Croacia...